Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Happy Friday!!!!

It's that time again!  Here's your Feel Good Friday Tip of the Week!!!!

One of my colleagues shared an AWESOME rsource with me called Learnist.  Have you all heard about this???  It's like Pinterest within Pinterest!!!  :)  

Go to the following link:

On the top menu bar, click on "education."

From there type "Common Core" (as an example) and your content into the search box.  (ie. Common core math, common core elementary english, etc)

You will then see several different resources open up!  But here's the kicker…when you find one you like….click on it, and then you will see MORE resources open up related to that topic!!!  Resources within resources!

PLEASE take some time to check out this resource!  There are a TON of great and valuable things there that I know you will love!  I've spent hours getting lost on this site!  

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your "extra" day off on Monday!  :)

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