Natasha Rachell, Ed.S.
Welcome to my blog!
My name is Natasha Rachell and currently I serve as an Educational Technology Specialist with Atlanta Public Schools. What does this mean? :) The easy way to describe what I do is that I teach teachers how to integrate technology into their classrooms. I can do this through modeling lessons, planning with teachers, conducting technology tools trainings, co-teaching with teachers, researching different Web 2.0 resources to share with my teachers, and many other ways!
Every Friday I send out a "Feel Good Friday Tip of the Week" to my teachers at the 7 elementary schools that I serve....yes I said SEVEN! Several of my teachers have emailed and called me asking me about the tip that I sent "the other week" that was something about "this" or "that." Hence, this blog was started! My teachers now have a place to come and find the resources that I have emailed to them whenever they need! I cannot take credit for ALL of the resources that I find. Many of my teachers are AMAZING and I "borrow" their ideas and "share" them with the rest of my campuses! Isn't this what we, as educators do? :)
I started this blog as a tool for my teachers, however if you have happened to stumble across this blog, it is my hope that you find some interesting technology resources or otherwise to use in your classes with your students!
Technologically Yours,